Lead Pastors
Curt and Rhonda Edwards
Contact: rhondanewpromise@gmail.com
Associate Pastor
Louie McGeorge
Oversees the Phoenix House of Prayer
Contact: topcarrot@msn.com
Worship Pastor
Josh Edwards
Oversees all of the Worship Department including Sunday morning and PHOP worship leaders and musicians.
Sound Technician: Peter Slavin
Associate Pastor & Youth Ministry Director
Demetrius Marsh
Oversees the Jr. high and high school youth group
Children’s Ministry Director
Kristy Jo Thornton
Oversees the entire Children’s Department and its volunteers.
Contact: kjthelillyamongthorns@yahoo.com
Nursery Coordinator
Ange Smith
Director of Communications
Tiffani Rickey
Contact: newpromiseinfo@gmail.com
Restoring the Foundations
Kathleen Graham
Phoenix House of Prayer
Louie McGeorge, Pastor Curt Edwards, Tiffani Rickey, Jen Clyde and Josh Edwards Contact: phxhop@gmail.com
Promise Groups (small groups)
Curt and Rhonda Edwards Contact: newpromiseinfo@gmail.com
(see list of all small groups for more details)
Sunday Ministry Team
Timothy Fote
Women’s Group
Rhonda Edwards and team Contact: newpromiseinfo@gmail.com